My last blog ended on rather a sour note in February, so thought it was time to show the positives since. I am up to 14 races/events for the year: 4 snowshoe races, 1 snowshoe fundraiser, and the rest in the new running shoes. I did go to the snowshoe race in Edgar, and while I came in last, I was still almost 25 minutes ahead of my time at that terrible Treehaven. I even planned on racing at our own 9 Mile, a place with nothing but bad luck for me during trail runs. Then I got a short but intense case of the flu: there was no way. I must be a fast recoverer though, since I did the 5 mile Point Bock Run the next weekend with a time only 53 seconds slower than last year. The next day I had to decide if I wanted to hit the snowshoes again. By that time I was too far behind on races to win the coveted Braveheart trophy, so I was ready to hang the new 'shoes up. But then I read about a fundraiser for a cross-country ski team out at 9 Mile, which used the same snowshoe loop as the race missed. I actually enjoyed it!
On the other end of the scale, Zumba class has been going pretty well. It did get a little rough at the start of the 2nd session, when we switched instructors from a gym teacher to a Zumba militant, lol. She's a bit younger, so naturally the classes have a bit more of a hip-hop feel, but there's less turning and more strength and toning moves. I did have to skip one week when I had the flu, but otherwise I've been there faithfully. While it may seem sissy, it is a great workout, especially in combination with snowshoeing, oddly enough.
But I was very happy to get back on the road somewhat, with a few fun events. I did a Virtual Bacon 5K run (actually did 5.25 miles) where you had to eat three pieces of bacon (will get my medal in the mail in about 6 weeks.) Didn't do the greatest at Bull Falls Brewery, but one goes to that one mostly for the extracurriculars, and to send out local veterans to Washington D.C. The next (very cold) morning in Kimberly I was only a minute slower while wearing a tight dress, wig, and cape! Sadly, Little Green Running Hood did not win the costume contest, but she was brave in the attempt. Meanwhile in Oregon, two of my friends were off winning medals at the National Snowshoe Championships. I determined next year I'll qualify myself and join...Nah...But I would like to get the series trophy for doing 9 snowshoe races.
Yesterday was certainly no big-time race, but it represents the reasons I run. I have been wondering lately, should I just give it up since I may not get a lot faster, or I'll never be able to afford "destination" races like Disney World. A personal trainer set up this race in honor of her mom, with all proceeds going to the Highground, a wonderful park in Neillsville, Wisconsin, full of memorials for veterans. It was very no-frills, no shirt, but that was fine with me. While the course crossed a U.S. highway (there was nowhere else for it to go) and had some dandy hills, they really appreciated us being there. One gentleman came and paced me in the last 10th of a mile, and whenever a runner crossed the finish line they rang the bell that use for observances at the park. A man from the Highground shook my hand and thanked me for coming. And surprise, we all got a small medal. Very classy, and confirmation that I'm doing the right thing.