Monday, December 31, 2012

Running into 2013

What would New Year's Eve be without ye tired old tradition of recapping 2012? First of all, we didn't blow up on December 21st, so we can take it from there.

Something though happened this year. Yes, I focused more on half marathons, switched to 5K's during the summer for heat purposes, then went back to halfs (pulling 3 within a month!) But this year wasn't so much about physical growth as emotional. While I still love to pick out a random race just for my own enjoyment, I found that this misfit could be part of a loose-knit runners group. And like it! I also discovered that there are times it's better to have a friend along, like the Cellcom.

The first goofy random one was an Oshkosh/New London St. Patrick's double fiasco that I didn't quite pull off (thanks to disregarding traffic from a parade of 25,000!) Things went better in St. Paul, MN April 8th, after a rocky start on the morning after my friend's wedding reception. When I found out he was tying the knot again, the first thing I did was check for a race the next day. Despite the previous chaos (too much beer, appetizers, and emotion) the run itself around Lake Phaelen was very peaceful. Although it was right in the city, it was an beautiful oasis. I also showed I could kick ass on hills!

I'm also very glad I did the Runway Run at the EAA in Oshkosh. In a way it was a salute to my dad. We ran right under the control tower, and I made a point to salute the boys up there. We ran under the wing of a C5, and I PR'd to boot (by 6 seconds I believe.) I have a feeling if I go back next year I will have company.

My favorite "random" solo race had to be in Adams. Although temporarily taken aback by a detour, I got there in plenty of time. For 17 bucks I got two t-shirts, two medals, and a pancake breakfast! If that wasn't enough, I got the bonus of a ride on a 1938 fire engine. I asked another runner to take a picture of me, and it turned out so nice I had copies made.

But then it was back to the gang. Not long after I got home from Adams we went to Eagle River for a midnight run, followed by Run Your Bass Off in the U.P. the next morning. Understandbly my time sucked on that one, but it was a helluva a good time. The next week I ran in only a sports bra on a very steamy night in Point, Nobody passed out, nobody cared.

I noticed something else that night, looking at our group picture later. From the knees down, my calves looked just as strong and nice as anyone else's. I was always self-conscious of my body and supposed lack of fitness (which is really kind of bullshit) but thanks to these friends of mine, I'm starting to get over it. As I've been this way 43 years, I don't expect a full recovery anytime soon, but I'll take it.

When I went back to 5k's in summer, I started training more for speed and it showed. I PR'd in the 5k, mile, 2 and 5 miles (did especially well in that last one.) The only thing I didn't PR in was the half and all I have are excuses as to why I didn't. Bad ankle in Eagle River, adjusting to diabetes medicine at Fox Cities, sleet in Wautoma, heat in Titletown (not even going there!) But still, 13 halfs is nothing to sneeze at! Who would've thought the mouse potato would ever say that doing a half in Wisconsin Dells would make it one of her nicest birthdays ever? Not this chick.

Speaking of chicks, one of the more unusual races I've ever done was the all-women Chick-amegon in Ashland. Despite horrible weather, it was a roadtrip to remember, complete with feathered boas, artisan wells, and Barry Manilow. There's still more tales to tell, like the half in Norwalk where I was nearly taken out not by physical defect, but claustrophobia! Then there was the half in my hometown where I was totally kicking butt until I got to a hill that my sister doesn't even like to drive up. I learned a lot about pacing that day (and the evils of eating too many wings and drinking too much 75 cent Old Style after a race.)

So many memories, and lessons learned. Here's to 2013.

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